We know you value the services and resources provided by your public library, but just how much are those services worth? How much would you pay out-of-pocket if the library didn't exist, or if these services and resources weren't available at no cost?
Take a moment and reflect on your library use over the past month, then plug those numbers into the form below. This page will calculate the total value you received related to the items you checked out and the services and resources you used.
When you enter where you live the form also calculates a "return on investment" that is based on the per capita library expenditures for your community. If you do not select a place of residence, the average library support for the five-county Winnefox Library System will be used.
To use this form:
- Enter in the left hand column the number of times per month you or your family use each service.
- The estimated retail value of each service will be calculated on the right.
- The total value of your library use is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.
- Your return on investment for each $1 of taxes paid also will be calculated.
- Tip: Tab between entries and do not use commas.
- No registration is required, and the data you enter is anonymous.